Wednesday, July 8, 2009


NHRC reminds govt on rights abuse
Kantipur Report
KATHMANDU, July 9 - The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) has cautioned the government not to appoint or promote any government official who is under investigation for human rights violations.
In a letter submitted to Prime Minister Madhav Kumar Nepal, NHRC has also reminded the government to implement its earlier recommendation to investigate and punish government officials responsible for serious human rights violations.
The rights body has expressed serious concern that instead of penalizing government officials and security personnel identified as perpetrators of rights violations, the government has been promoting them to higher posts. “NHRC cautions that such activities of the government can increase impunity and raise questions about the government's commitment to protection of human rights,” read the statement.
NHRC has reminded the government about carrying out independent investigations into the killings of Dayaram Pariyar (Janakpur), Sapana Gurung (Morang), Maina Sunuwar (Kavre), and Sarala Sapkota (Dhading), punishing the culprits and providing appropriate compensation to the victims' families

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